16 Unique Self-Care Sunday Ideas

Woman in a mans button down shirt sitting on a bed with a cup of coffee. all in white

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Taking care of yourself isn't always easy. Especially when you're busy with work and other obligations, it can be hard to find time to take care of your mental and physical health.

Self-care Sunday is the perfect way to start a healthy habit: just one day a week where the focus is on taking care of you.

Take this list as inspiration for your own self-care Sunday (or any day), or use it as a starting point for creating your own list of fun activities that will help you recharge and get ready for another week ahead.

#1. Pajama day

If you're having a hard time feeling like yourself, it's important to give yourself a break. Maybe you're sick and can't get out of bed, or maybe your schedule has been jam-packed with commitments and responsibilities.

Whatever the case may be, pajamas are a great way to take care of yourself and enjoy some “me time” on a Sunday afternoon.

There's no wrong way to do this—you can just lounge around in your jammies all day if that's what feels good for you.

If there are kids involved in this scenario (and let's be honest: almost every scenario involves children), then perhaps try making an elaborate breakfast together as a family—or even invite another family over so that everyone gets an opportunity for quality bonding time.

#2. Self-massage

Self-massage is one of the best ways to relax, relieve stress, and improve your health. It can be done in many different ways: with a foam roller, a tennis ball, or even just your hands. Try using the following techniques on yourself:

  • Knead the muscles in your upper back by placing a foam roller between your shoulder blades and leaning forward so that it applies gentle pressure to them.

  • It's important not to roll too quickly because you're working with very sensitive tissue here that might be prone to injury if you go too fast—so take it slow.

a woman in a steam shower holding a green bottle of shampoo

#3. Take a long shower or bath

On Sunday, you’re the only one who can decide how much time you want to spend in the shower. If you have time, it can be a treat just to soak in a bathtub of warm water and scrub off all of your cares. If not, take as long as you need—the best way to start off your day is by putting yourself first.

#4. Get outside, in nature, for a walk or hike

When we're stuck in the bubble of our daily lives, it can feel like nature is something that's happening outside of us; something we have to go out and visit. But the truth is that nature is within us as well.

The best way to reconnect with nature is by getting outside often—and not just on the weekends or after work. I say this because sometimes it feels like we need a little extra push to get out there when all we want to do is watch Netflix and eat takeout (or whatever your vice of choice may be).

But getting outside for a walk or hike can help you appreciate and be grateful for what you have in your life, which will make you feel better overall. If you don't already have one nearby where you live, maybe consider visiting your local park or forest preserve once a week.

It doesn't have to be anything fancy—just aimlessly wandering around looking at trees and plants can do wonders for the mind-body connection (plus, who doesn't love being surrounded by trees?).

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Self-Care Sunday Check List

Self-Care Sunday is a great way to start the week! It's your time to rest and enjoy everything that makes you happy while taking some time to be thoughtful.

a woman laying in the bed with white sheets and a pink blanket over her head taking a nap

#5. Take a nap (or not)

If you're like me, you sometimes need to take a nap on Sundays. I haven't been able to figure out why, but it seems to be true for most people I know. However, if napping isn't your thing and you'd rather spend your Sunday afternoon doing something else—like going for a walk or watching TV—then go for it! If you're still feeling tired after all of this, then try taking another nap or two later in the day.

I hope these self-care ideas help bring some joy into your life! Remember: Whatever you do this weekend is what's best for YOU!

no phone zone

#6. Put your phone away all-day

You know that feeling when you've spent all day on your phone, and you feel like a zombie? It's happened to us all. You're probably not going to want to take your phone with you on a day-long trip with friends or family, but if there's even a chance that it could happen, try out these tips:

  • Set an alarm for yourself every hour or so (or use an app like Moment) to remind yourself to put down the phone.

  • Leave the charger behind. If possible, charge your phone at night before bed and leave it at home during the day.

  • Bring along some old-fashioned entertainment: board games or books are great ways to spend time together without screens.


a woman in whole white wrting in a journal with a gold pen.

#7. Write in your journal.

Nothing feels better than getting a good old-fashioned pen and paper and writing out all of the thoughts on your mind.

If you’re not sure what to write about, make a list of things that are bothering you and then go from there. You may find that writing helps calm you down or gives you clarity on something that’s been bothering you for a while now.

#8. Take up a new hobby for yourself.

Whether it's learning how to play the piano or learning how to paint, giving yourself something new to work on will help you feel less isolated and more connected.

If you don't have any hobbies right now, try looking into what interests you and take the first step towards making it into a new hobby.

a woman holding a pink bowel doing a dance in a resturant

#9. Make and enjoy your favorite meal.

Whether it’s a pasta dish or a vegetarian stir-fry, eating a meal you truly love can be an effective way to give yourself some much-needed time and attention.

This is especially true if you are feeling guilty about indulging in food that isn’t “good for you” or otherwise on the naughty list. Instead of wallowing in guilt or shame, take this opportunity to indulge while taking care of yourself at the same time.

#10. Stifle negative self-talk

Today, it's time to stop being so hard on yourself. You're often your own harshest critic and have a tendency to focus on the negative. Instead of thinking about all the ways, you could be better, why not focus on what's working?

Why not try something new that makes you feel good? Why not spend some time alone today? Find ways to take care of yourself; take a bubble bath or go for a walk or exercise (and if you're ready for even more self-care but aren't sure where to start, continue reading this post).

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Self-Care Journal Worksheets

Self-Care Sunday is a great way to start the week! It's your time to rest and enjoy everything that makes you happy while taking some time to be thoughtful.

woman in a white bathrobe holding a pink makeup bag looking a makeup product

#11. Clean out your makeup/skincare bag

Throw out old products. If you've had the same makeup or skincare product for more than six months, it's time to toss it out. Old makeup can clog pores and cause breakouts, while skincare products that have expired may not work as well as they did when they were fresh.

  • Check expiration dates on everything in your bag. This is an easy way to quickly tell what you need to toss—but don't get rid of it just yet! Many products will still be good after the date on their packaging if they're stored properly.

  • Pack your bag with new goodies. You might find something you love at one of these places that can help change up your routine from week to week: Sephora and Ulta stores; CVS; drugstore brands like L'Oreal Paris and Maybelline New York; online shops like Amazon Prime Beauty (which often has great deals on beauty products), Target's brand, Walgreens' private label items, and many more.

a woman holding a pile of books

#12. Visit your favorite bookstore

I love the smell of books—it’s better than any candle. So, when I feel stressed or overwhelmed, I like to browse bookstores for a few hours just to relax and get lost in my imagination.

Books can be powerful tools for self-care and healing, so if you haven’t already done so, take some time this weekend to find out what kind of stories speak to you most.

#13. Buy flowers for yourself

It’s easy to purchase flowers for others, but did you know that there are many benefits to giving them to yourself?

Flowers are known to help make us feel happier, more relaxed, and more energetic. Plus, we all deserve a little self-care every now and then.

#14. Make a list of things that make you happy and refer to it when times are tough

Make a list of things that make you happy and refer to it when times are tough.

You can also use this activity as part of your morning routine or as a way to get through the day. Just take some time out and write down everything that makes you happy: your favorite food, a place in the world, things about yourself, etc. Then read it whenever life gets too overwhelming or stressful.

orchards with the word indulge

#15. Make this a weekend of indulgences – anything from shopping to sleeping in, to eating that chocolate cake!

Make this a weekend of indulgences – anything from shopping to sleeping in, to eating that chocolate cake!

  • Go on a picnic.

  • Get messy. Make mud pies, or take the kids outside and let them run around with paint and watercolors or glue and construction paper.

  • Throw an impromptu party: make some food, invite friends over (or don't), play music together – whatever makes you happy.

woman holding a coffee cup with headphones on taking a walk

#16. Go for a walk and listen to some of your favorite music as you do so.

Go for a walk and listen to some of your favorite music as you do so. Even better if there’s fresh air outside. (Or pick up a book and head to the park.)

If you have time, just sit in silence for 5 minutes without any distractions. You can even set an alarm on your phone with the timer on it.

Sometimes it’s hard to find motivation, but this list is perfect for getting started on taking care of yourself.
— Lilly Co.

To Wrap It Up

The best part about self-care Sunday is that it's flexible—you can do it whenever you want, and you can do it however you want.

The point is to give yourself some space in your life so that you can be the best version of yourself, and we hope this list has given you some good ideas on how to make your self-care Sunday the best.

Here are a few of our favorites.


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