Building and Breaking Habits
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There’s an app for that. It’s become a running joke; there’s an app for everything. Is there an app for habits?
The most important thing you can do for your future self is to make a habit or break one. Habits are the building blocks of who we are and what our lives look like. We go through life constructing habits that either help us be successful or hold us back from success. The most common place people start breaking bad habits is by using apps on their phones, so we made this list of 7 Apps for Breaking and Building Habits!
Smash Through Your Goals with HabitBull is a free flexible reminder program that lets you develop good habits. Habits require repetition and HabitBull provides the reminder to keep you on track to develop the habit of your choice.
If you want to walk for three days in a week, HabitBull lets you set reminders on selected days. If you want to meditate for half an hour each day, you can record your accomplishments in minutes rather than Yes/No answers.
The app creates trends, and graphs and tracks your process to create that habit.
HabitBull reminds you that it takes 66 days to create a habit and gives you a progress bar.
Manage Your Goals with Productive (iPhone-only application). Productive separates the new habit creation into three categories, morning and evening, and whenever.
It’s selective as to which it shows when, meaning that it shows the AM reminders before noon only and the PM reminders afternoon, also exclusively. This app is designed to force the user into incorporating the habit into their daily schedule as opposed to saving up or getting it over with early.
Track anything you like with Strides. If you’re after a significant goal like losing weight or saving money reading a large number of books, then you should look at Strides. This app looks at the total time to complete any task and breaks it down into milestones that are measurable, and trackable. It creates weekly and monthly goals to keep you on track.
Choose or create up to twelve tasks, such as with Streaks (currently iPhone only). Streak is an app to help you develop fitness goals. The plus of this app is that it hooks in nicely with Apple’s Health app. It tracks steps, measures heart rate, distance, and more. It’s simple, handling only six habits at a time, and has a very easy-to-understand graphics display.
Motivate yourself to achieve your goals with Habitica. This app is free and for the iPhone, Android, or web. Habitica takes good habits and converts them into something fun. It converts them into a video game you can play with friends. You can earn badges and battle monsters and hold each other accountable. If either of you fails to complete the remainder, you’re both penalized.
A home with ambitious people Coach. me. This app has plans to coach you through the process of forming athletic habits and training. You can see videos and even contact live coaches for hire.
Get it together with HabitFree (Android only) uses questions to help you keep your routine. “Did you brush your teeth?” “Did you go for a walk?” Not surprisingly, it focuses on streaks, how many days in a row you accomplished your task.
With so many options available, it can be difficult to find the app that will best suit your needs. Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can take to make this task easier for yourself.
The first step is to scan through the selection in the app store and see which one looks like something you might want or need - just because an app isn't top-ranked doesn't mean it's not perfect for your lifestyle!
If you're still having trouble deciding on what would work well with your busy life, try searching under "habits" in the search bar of any digital device. There should be plenty of resources at hand after taking these two small steps as part of narrowing down your choices.
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